Volunteer Requirements
Thanks for your willingness to volunteer some time during summer camp. While we need help each summer, we also have a limited number of volunteer housing, so we cannot take everyone. In order to spend a week at Camp Pearl during summer camp in a volunteer capacity, we have a few requirements to ensure the safety of our campers and efficiency for our staff:
- Must be Christian
- Must be able to work with 3rd-12th students
- Must submit and pass a background check at least one week before the first day you are volunteering (found here)
- Must be willing to work during camp hours as we request
- Must follow camp rules as an example to campers
- Must have read and agree to submit to our doctrinal statement found here
- Must be willing to submit to camp leadership
- Must attend our staff meeting at 4:00 pm on the Monday of the weeks you are volunteering
Additionally, those who are directly involved with students by staying in cabins or teaching in classes:
- Must be actively involved in a local church
- Must have a pastoral reference
- Must agree to only teach in a way that lines up with our doctrinal statement