Summer Server Applications
Job Description: Summer Servers are paid cabin leaders who will commit to being a part of the camping ministry for the full summer, which includes one partial week of training (June 8-11) and six weeks of student camp, June 12-July 26. They will be working directly with a group of students that changes each week, overseeing them during events and activities and sharing the gospel and discipling students throughout the week.
- Lead daily devotionals
- Have one-on-one conversations with each student in his/her cabin which involves:
- sharing the gospel
- sharing what Christian living looks like according to God’s word
- encouraging active participation and service in the local church
- discerning where the student is spiritually
- praying with/for him/her
- evaluating any spiritual progress or decisions made throughout the week
- Direct students to help keep the camp schedule flowing properly
- Enforce camp rules among his/her cabin
- Lead various activities, seeking to make them as exciting for students as possible
- Support other Summer Servers as well as administrative staff
- Must be a Christian
- Must desire God and fellowship with Him
- Must be an example of Christian character
- Must be actively involved in a local church
- Must be able to work with 3rd-12th grade students
- Must be willing to do your best, as unto God rather than man
- Camp is for the campers - must be willing to put campers wellbeing and enjoyment above your enjoyment
- Must have read and agree to the CPM doctrinal statement found here
- Must be able to work with other adults and submit to leadership
- One year out of high school preferred
Note: filling out an application does not guarantee acceptance